Thursday, July 28, 2011

Itchy dry eye lids relief

     Inflammation of the eyelids - sometimes with eye redness - is a very common problem. With this condition, people typically have inflammation at the base of the eyelid called anterior blepharitis. This can either be due to colonization of staphylococcal bacteria on the eyelid or to the presence of seborrhea.
     This inflammation can alter the meibomian gland secretion which lubricates the eye and provoke several symptoms including red eyes, gritty or burning sensation, excessive tearing, swollen eyelids, crusting or matting of eyelashes in the morning, flaking or scaling of the eyelid skin, light sensitivity or blurred vision.
     This can be a chronic condition, but fortunately it responds well to good eyelid hygiene. A simple solution is to soak a wash cloth in warm water and place it over the eyes for 30 seconds followed by a lid massage for the same amount of time using the same wash cloth. Gently massage the edge of the eyelids towards the eye with a circular motion. Some physicians recommend lid washing for people with a significant accumulation of debris on the eyelashes. One can use warm water of very dilute baby shampoo placed on a cotton swab to gently clean along the lashes and lid margin to remove the accumulated material One needs to avoid contacting the eye surface or vigorous washing.
     Other more aggressive treatments such as topical or oral antibiotics, topical glucocortoids or other medications need to be prescribed by a physician. Further information with pictures can be found at

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why there isn't a safe weight loss pill

Weight loss consumes many of us and will continue to do so and unfortunately the only successful remedies are to increase your heart rate through some form of exercise and eating fewer calories through better selections of foods or smaller portions. This latest article in CNN explains more

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Exercise can be fun

Most people understand the importance of exercise but many don't do it and therefore miss out on the enjoyment of it. For exercise to be continued it is important to find something that is enjoyable. Any activity that increases one's heart rate will improve your health. If you are fortunate to have a memory of some childhood activity that was fun such as swimming, bicycling, soccer, running or any of many other activities than doing some part of that as an adult will be easier. If you do not have that experience then participating in group exercise can often be fun as well. Many health clubs provide this. Another example can be walking or jogging with one or more partners. Seattle, as many other locations, is replete with people doing all sorts of indoor and outdoor exercises even in very busy places. Another option is to exercise with a dog
Exercise can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, improve sleep, relieve pain, prevent osteoporosis, lessen depression, improve your sex life and other things. More help with exercise can be found at

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Vertigo is the sensation of feeling like you or the place where you are of spinning around. The more intense the feeling the more it may cause you to also have nausea or even vomiting. In many instances vertigo occurs when you make a change in your position as from laying down to sitting up and then it subsides if you remain motionless. However, vertigo can occur with other conditions such as an infection in your ear or sinuses. If the vertigo is continuous, then it is likely due to a brain rather than an ear condition. It is important to see your medical provider or go to the closest Emergency Department to sort out the cause and get treatment. Often times this could result in receiving medication to relieve the symptoms or treat the cause until it ends.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has recently been recognized as an important co factor in maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis and possibly avoiding other health conditions. The primary sources of vitamin D include sunlight, foods that are fortified with it and vitamin D supplements.Some locations like Western Washington have as high as an 80 % incidence of vitamin D deficient residents due to lack of sufficient sunlight. Physicians can easily measure vitamin D levels with a nonfasting blood test and compare that to accepted norms. Treatments for this include getting as little as 15 minutes daily of sunlight, taking vitamin D fortified foods like milk, orange juice or egg yokes, liver,and oily fish. Unfortunately these same foods in the amounts needed to achieve sufficient vitamin D levels can increase the risks of cholesterol related heart disease. Similarly sufficient sunlight exposure without sunscreen can also increase the risk of skin cancer. The safest method to boost vitamin D levels is to take Vitamin D3 which is available over the counter at a minimum dose for adults of 1000 IU (International Units) daily and remeasure the level in the blood 8 weeks later. Your physician can then advise you if you need more vitamin D based on the new level in your blood until you achieve a therapeutic dose.Other health conditions linked to vitamin D deficiency may include hypertension, heart disease, some cancers, possibly multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory arthritis.
Simply seeing your doctor and measuring a vitamin d level and then taking that vitamin if needed can go a long way to helping you stay healthy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preventing strokes

Strokes can be a devastating or even fatal event in anyone's life. Fortunately there exists strategies that can minimize or prevent that risk. Potential signs of a stroke such as unexplained or sudden onset of weakness involving the face, arm or speech or visual difficulties or severe headaches require an urgent visit to a stroke ready  Emergency Department. Threatened strokes or transient ischemic attacks can be treated urgently today in the same manner as chest pain due to a threatened heart attack if managed in a stroke ready Emergency Department that exists in most large cities such as Seattle
Treating hypertension, diabetes, taking an aspirin daily if safe, losing weight if obese, stopping smoking, exercising regularly and eating healthy can all markedly reduce the risks of having a stroke but require a long term relationship with a physician to assist people in managing these chronic problems. Focusing on strategies like these can help people live a better quality of life and enjoy the years ahead.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Elective Surgery Decisions

Elective surgery decisions are important to get the intended benefit while minimizing risk. Before surgery write down and ask questions from your surgeon about the problem needing surgery and the anticipated result with specific information. Asking how many of the operation your surgeon has done, how long your recovery may take, what complications or risks could occur will make your decision easier. It can also help to make an appointment at least one week in advance of surgery with your primary care physician to learn about your fitness for surgery and update your health in general. Getting a second opinion from another provider who may approach your problem differently or who has more experience doing the operation will give you more information. It may be helpful to ask the surgeon, a medical subspecialist, or your primary physician about your health without doing surgery and medical or other alternatives.
Asking your primary physician about what medicines that you should stop prior to surgery and when to resume them will improve your outcome. Planning your surgery when you can get more help at home can speed your recovery.
Making an appointment to see your primary physician one month or more after leaving the hospital will enable you to get other problems that could occur after surgery addressed as well.

Surgery decisions coupled with preparations like this can help get you the best possible result.